When India meets Austria
Recently, I thought that spring time was out! We used to say that spring is just around the corner, but here in Switzerland, I seriously doubt about its venue! It’s freezing out there! So, hopefully, during one of my latest trip to London, I stopped by some flea markets, where I had the chance to find some interesting piece of clothing!
You already might have seen that I am totally into large and oversized coat, and I am not ready to stop! After getting one of my favorite cardigan ever at The Lazy Ones, I found an amazing original loden coat from Austria! It was made for me, I saw it on a stander with many others, but this loden coat directly attracted me..aahaha and it fits me perfectly! I could not be more happier about this bargain!
In addition to this amazing loden, I brought back some Bindis! I had so many from my last trip to Nepal, but unfortunately I can not put an hand on them! So, here I am, wearing a cutie bindi! I love these, discret but very pretty, those makes the perfect face accessory! :)
Bindi: from an indian grocery shop in Shoreditch
Pashmina: Brought from the Mauritius Island
Sweaters: LF Stores
Skinny Jeans: CheapMonday
Booties: Robert Clergerie
Bag: Sandro