Home vs. homesick? Isn’t the typical sentence that you read whenever someone is travelling and sharing the place where she or he stays in? I do think so. And I am glad because it certainly means something, right? I mean you won’t say it if it wasn’t true, right (again)? I recently had a conversation with some bloggers, journalists or let’s say human being, from different origins. Some could feel very settled and close to one place, where their family is and where their job and everything is. On the other hand, some were more, if I may say that, world citizen. As they explained us, no place in the world is their home, but anywhere they go they will find their place. I found it quite interesting. I had to ask myself. I love travelling and I love spending time with my closest friends and family, back in Lausanne. I also developed this love for German-speaking-part of Switzerland and made other friends, discovered other cities and partly live there. I totally picture myself going back and living in New York in a near future, and I cannot tell if I am more one of a kind world citizen or a home bird. I would say that I am not this home-loving typical person, but I still enjoy leaving from and coming back to Lausanne. The truth about that is that I can adapt myself very quickly to the environment, traditions, way of living and connect with people, and that is why I do feel pretty good almost everywhere. Anyway, I thought that was an interesting question, even more concerning our generation and the globalisation.
I need to share those thoughts by coming back to VISIONAPARTMENTS. I kinda realised that persons who travel a lot, and not necessarily feel the need to go to a hotel room, but rather want to spend some days in a lovely and spacious studio or apartment should definitely check services apartments out. They offer a large number of services, plus this feeling of being at home almost anywhere in the world.
I chose to wear my long sleeve t-shirt from Kanye West aka Pablo, launched last weekend in 21 pop-up stores around the globe, including Berlin. I guess you will recognise the lyrics, and needless to say that we queued in front of a dope gallery in order to discover the pieces of clothing. Anyways, if you want to LIVE (young or not who care’s?!) you CAN NOW WIN A STAY within VISIONAPARTMENTS by voting for them and therefore, supporting them to reach the SO!APART AWARD. This is the oscar of serviced apartments. They have already won twice, once with the flagship house in Alexander Platz, where we stayed, and once with the one in our beloved Zürich. Contribute by helping them, vote and win:
All you need to do is to click HERE, and fill up the form! ALL THE BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE! :D
Sweatshirt: Life of Pablo By Kanye West