• Cool Sunny Day!

    Sunday I went to The High Line in the west side of Manhattan in the Meatpacking Distcrit. Charming Neighborhood with a lot of shops selling luxury goods and so many restaurants and bars. It was a beautiful day with a high temperatures for October. The High Line is an old railway above the street and the City of New York transformed it into a green and quiet park appreciated by tourists and natives. As you can see the hudson river and the new jersey on one side, you can observe the neighborhood of Chelsea and the Meatpacking district on the other side. If you are visiting New York, the High Line…

  • New York Please

    Hi guys! I’m in New York city right now and it’s way too crazy! This Town is so amazing, you have so much things to do and opportunities! I share with you just a few pictures from the town. I love this city and I am so happy to be there! Museums, galleries, small boutiques and shops, and of course a multitude of cute coffee shops!