Gypsy Soul
Summer times doesn’t rime with festival and beach party, but it should! Summer is on and so are flower crowns – way too cute, everyone should have one! These bring some summer-like or boho touch to your outfit, make always a good impression and are pretty! As I couldn’t find the perfect one, I decided to create my own flower crown for my holidays! Here we go with the DIY!
What you need:
– A reel of green plasticized wire – A green scotch tape – Scissors
– Various false flowers, keep in mind to select three of four different colors – A batch of green wire
Firstly, it is important to have see whole the material and flowers that we have for the realization of the crown. The more flowers you have the better.
Secondly, cut the green and plasticized reel wire and make two rounds around your head, don’t forget to let enough space (approximately 2cm) between your head and the cercle, the flowers will take this space. Then, start to scotch with the green tape the wires in order to obtain a homogeneous cercle.
Thirdly, choose the flowers you want, cut their stems (not too short, let 4cm) and place it where you want it on the cercle. Take one green wire to fix it on the crown. Keep putting all of your flowers as you wish to create your crown.
Fourthly, take the scotch tape and hide the green wire that you used to fix the flowers. The scotch will protect your head from the tips of the wires. Plus, it will be way more beautiful.
And your flower crown is done! I hope you will like it! Let be creative and you will love wearing it during this Summahhh!