• Seafood to die for

    Not long ago, I was delightfully invited to a beautiful and famous Zürcher Hotel. Did you guess where? Yes, exactly, it was at The Dolder Grand, which overhangs the city of Zürich. This hotel is reaaaal. No kidding, I had heard so many incredible things about its architecture, interior design, service or the view. I swear everything is true. The view is simply breathtaking, you are over Zürich and its lake, surrounding by a green vegetation and the mountains at the horizons.  I was invited to savor some Italian seafood. You already know…, I love good food, and when it comes to fresh and Italian one, I just cannot resist. Who…

  • Yes to Fay

      Since the day I received these beauties from a Zalando package in my building (maybe you understand my excitement)  I cannot get ride of them. They make any outfits more elegant. I love their heels, big enough to be comfortable and not provocative at all. Next to these, I got lucky when my mum saw this coat in a thrift shop and bought it for me. Yes, we always go together to second hand stores. We love searching for THE piece. And that day that is what happened. My mum saw this Fay coat and found it so fabulous that she purchased it for me. I was so happy when…

  • Shades of Miami Vice

    Florida, I’m charmed! Charmed by the sunset over the intracoastal or with the palm trees up in the sky, this feeling of freedom with the infinite beach and the ocean, which also means a beautiful and warm weather! Here I am just stopping by the beach for a couple of minutes, a few blocks away from Ocean Drive, this huge Avenue that goes straight down from Fort Lauderdale to Miami Beach. I especially appreciated this weather, meanwhile freezing Switzerland was surrounded by snow, just like New York. I’m wearing a T-shirt that I purchased few months ago, while I was visiting Florence. I love it, especially as a fashion Blogger.…