Yes to Fay
Since the day I received these beauties from a Zalando package in my building (maybe you understand my excitement) I cannot get ride of them. They make any outfits more elegant. I love their heels, big enough to be comfortable and not provocative at all. Next to these, I got lucky when my mum saw this coat in a thrift shop and bought it for me. Yes, we always go together to second hand stores. We love searching for THE piece. And that day that is what happened. My mum saw this Fay coat and found it so fabulous that she purchased it for me. I was so happy when she gave it to me. The style, the coat, the size everything fit perfectly! Well done mama!
Coat: Fay
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Zara
Over the Knee Boots: Anna Field via Zalando